About Us
We are Steven and Leah. We love to facilitate transformation in others and help them find relief from their physical, mental and emotional pain, reducing their stress. The intention of our work is to raise the voltage in our clients giving them increased resistance to disease and inflammation which translates into more day to day energy. By charging up and tuning in to ourselves we become more available to making our community, country and world a better place.
I have been a professional photographer for more than three decades and I began my work with music and sound many years ago. Then I suffered two traumatic brain injuries within several months of each other.
I sought medical help and what they mostly offered me was drugs for my condition. MRI scans didn't reveal much, meanwhile my brain and body were in decline and that's when the Gongs came into my life. I then began playing my gongs regularly because I noticed that they were faclitating my recovery from the many symptoms and conditions that I now had.
The sonic therapy work with the Gong along with integrated massage changed my life. My vital functions are now currently consistent with that of someone half my age. Those close to me noticed the dramatic results from my work and encouraged me to share this modality with others and that has now become my mission.
Leah has been a licensed massage therapist for more than a decade. As a result of studying Acutonics five years ago, Leah began to integrate the tunings forks and singing bowls into her massage practice. She has found working with Sound and Music to be a gateway for deeper releases of pain and stress within the physical body. In addition, mental and emotional imbalances melt away, leaving her clients feeling relaxed and rejuvenated.
Leah has helped many clients including herself successfully recover from injury and stress by applying the science of Sound and Music to the physical body. She continues to be a student of the healing arts as she inspires others to reach their highest potential.
Kundalini Yoga has always been at the foundation of Leah's practice and work. She is a KRI Certified Kundalini Yoga teacher who loves sharing her yoga practice. She invites you to join her and experience the power and grace of Kundalini Yoga. She is Japa Seetal Kaur, the sacred lioness, who by remaining immersed in meditative repetition of mantra, embodies profound peace in the world.
Here are some of the challenges and imbalances we've had success with:
Pain Management (Severe & Chronic)
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
Addiction Recovery
Parkinson's Disease
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Hearing Loss
Tinnitus / Meniere's
Cancer and Stroke Recovery
Anxiety and Phobias
Emotional Imbalances
Stress Management
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) & (ADHD)
Eating Disorders
Weight Loss
Grief and Recovery from Loss
Migraines / Headaches
Sound Therapy is a Panacea ...